lunedì 30 gennaio 2017

Preview of the new part of the comic

That's a preview of what you'll read in the future ;) ... plz enjoy a Loquat very angry with Minako :D.

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2017

OFF TOPIC : Tribute to "Yuuri on Ice !"

Ho visto recentemente quest'anime e mi è piaciuto così tanto che non ho saputo resistere alla tentazione di creare delle fanart dedicate . Spero vi piacciano. Ho usato due tecniche differenti per realizzarle ... la prima immagine è stata il mio primo tentativo poi ho riprovato usando un altra tecnica ( ps: Yuri nella seconda immagine è stata realizzato con il mouse ).

I've recently seen this anime and I liked it soo much that I couldn't resist to the temptation to create some fanarts.  I really hope you'll like them. I used two differents tcniques to realize them. The first one is my first yuri on ice fanart  then I tried with another one. As you can see Katsuki Yuuri is my favourite character of this anime . ;) ( and it was realized with the use of the mouse) .


domenica 22 gennaio 2017

Loquat sketch ... muscles ;)

I'm currently studying  during the last months of how  recreate a body in  manga with muscles ( typical for a shounen manga) .
So I made this drawing I hope you'll like it. :)

update of the web comic list

Hi there I checked again the pages and I noticed there were three missed .... gomenasai :(
now I've added the missed ones and the last ones so if you want to read it from the beginning  to not leave parts behind.

here's the link  updated


Translation of the dialogs chapter threee sixth part

Page 16

Silas( hidden in a tree and transformed in a kestrel): " This is  really interesting so even the noble and lordly Loquat  has a weakness. Now I can use it to my advantage".

Hikari: " He's too strong I can't react. He's pulling me without efforts moreover he has destroied all my rays of vine"

Loquat: " That's everything you can do with the powers that I gave you all? What will you do when you'll face a real enemy?

Meanwhile Minako woke up and she still feel a bit of pain to her ankles  and she's thinking about Loquat.

Minako: " Loquat is a very particular guy ... sometimes  he's going  mad and sometimes  he is  so sweet. He's always so discreet , it even seems that he has no past."
 I had enough rest so I'll join the other girls. Loquat must train them very hard.
He left here his lugguage ... maybe ehrm maybe I could have a look in case I found something more personal so I can undertand him better."


Page 17

 Norika: " Don't worry Hikari let me help you! "

talking by herself:
" I could profit of the mess to hug Loquat .. today he's even nicer than usual"


Loquat. " What is she doing now?"

" No this is no good"

Norika: " Loquat Sweetheart!"
Akira: " Take off your hands from me Norika, I'm Akira !"
Norika: " Ewwwwwww!"
Yoshi: " Hatta senpai we can't see anything what we should do ?"
Hikari: " Just stay still until we see again."

Loquat: " No girls you still have a lot to train, you are not prepared to face Silas"

Akira: " Great idea Hikari so he could tied us  as salami !"

Hikari: " I'm terribly sorry girls".

Page 18

Meanwhile Minako...

Minako ( talking by herself): "  No Minako resists to the temptation is not allowed to look inside the lugguage of other people".

In fact the good purposes ...

Minako: " Damn is nothing intersting is just a normal lugguage ... there is also his out of size shirt ."

Silas: " I've been a fool to be worried about the Nature Shoujo ... I've overestimated these girls. Conquering this planet will be easier than I believed".

Norika: " Minako 's missed ... she must train as everyone else."

Loquat: "Damn! I've completely forget Red Sakura I must go to awake her and give her anklet back. I hope se didn't make any mess in my absence."

Minako: " And this? What is ?  Awwww what a cute pic shame that's a bit ruined i'm wondering why he never shown it to us."

Loquat ( very angry) :" Have you found anything interesting inside my clothes?  It's just the way you behave here on this planet? "

Capitolo tre sesta parte / chapter three sixth part.

Sii finalmente sono riuscita ad aggiungere la nuova parte del web comic.... se volete saperne di più sull'allenamento delle Nature Shoujo con Loquat che fa da maestro non vi resta che continuare a leggere qui di seguito. ^ ^

Rating : pubblico maturo /mature ppl


venerdì 13 gennaio 2017

update of the site

I just wanted to let you know that I add the tool translator ... it is very useful but don't rely too much... is useful to understand the sense of the topic. Anyway it's a further help to understand what I write for the not italian not english speaker. I hope you 'll appreciate the idea. :)

Translation of the omake

Hi I know that generally the omake goes at the end of a volume but I still have to work on the comic. So I created this short strip ... I really hope u'll like it. :)

Title : La peperonata ( is an italian dish eaten above all in the north of the country is made of chopped pepper fried with garlic ... not so easy to digest : D  but really tasty )


Loquat : "Why are you hugging me ? "

Minako:" Because I've finally understood that you are the man of my life. I love you Loquat. Sorry if I didn't find out before.  And now ... KISS ME !"

Loquat : "NOW????""

Loquat:" Is official I'll never eat again peperonata in the evening. "

Nature Shoujo's omake

Sì lo so che gli omake solitamente sono parti supplementari che vanno alla fine dei volumetti ma volevo aggiungere un extra perchè ho ancora moolto da lavorare sul comic.
Spero vi piaccia il titolo è :

La peperonata ^ ^ ( rating: pubblico maturo/ mature ppl)

lunedì 9 gennaio 2017

purely fanservice ;)

Tra una cosa e l'altra sono finalmente riucita a ritagliarmi del tempo per disegnare ... il tezo capitolo del comic si avvia alla fine ma sono in pò infase di stallo perciò ho deciso di ovviare alla cosa con una piccola novità ma non dico di più.
Intanto posto un'artwork dedicato in particolare alla mia amica  Ancienta Art che ha un debole per Loquat ( e spero che anche altre fanciulle ce l'abbiano ... l'ho proprio creato con lo scopo di essere veramente figo e affascinante : D )
Spero vi piaccia .... inziamo l'anno con un bel ragazzo ok?  XD

In a very busy moment for me I finally found the time to create this artwork ... the third chapter is goin to its end but I'm a bit busy so I try to create an alternative ... you'll see.
Anyway I'll post this artwork that I dedicate in particular to my friend Ancienta Art who likes Loquat a lot ( and I hope many other girls would love him ... he was created by me with the purpose of being cool and fascinating ;) :D )
So I hope  you'll like him ... let's start the new year with a beautiful guy ok ? :D

Post in evidenza

Springtime Artwork :)

Konnichiwa :) spring has finally arrived and I created this artwork that is taken from a sketch I made few weeks ago I hope you like it . :)...