domenica 26 febbraio 2017

Let's go Idol !

Sorry everyone if I didn't post much in this last period but I'm working on the comic and at the same time on another project that I hope will work ...
Anyway that's an original artowrk of the nature shoujo ... in this one you'll see Norika at the time she was a Idol .
I hope you'll like it.

Scusate se non ho postato molto ma sto lavorando sia al comic che ad un altro progetto ( sempre  manga) che spero con tutto il cuore vada in porto... cmq qui di seguito un altro artwork .. Norika ai tempi in cui era una Idol.

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Springtime Artwork :)

Konnichiwa :) spring has finally arrived and I created this artwork that is taken from a sketch I made few weeks ago I hope you like it . :)...