Nature Shoujo disegni e web comic originali in stile manga / Nature Shoujo original drawings and web comic realized in manga style
martedì 31 maggio 2016
Intermezzo artistico ... uno dei miei primi disegni a tema
Questo è uno dei primissimi disegni che ho realizzato a tema Nature Shoujo ... qui potete vedere le paladine della natura nella loro formazione completa e le due antagoniste che aiutano Silas nei suoi piani, ovvero le Nature Polluting ( sì penserete evviva la fantasia ... ma perchè scervellarsi tanto dato che volevo utilizzare qualcosa di facile da ricordare ? ;) XD XD)
venerdì 27 maggio 2016
A poll for you ...
As you can see I've decided to add a poll about Loquat and Silas to make you feel much involved in the story my dear readers. ( the poll will be active for six days )
Even if you're not italian speaker you can vote as well.
The question is :
In which connection are Loquat and Silas ?
Hereby the translation of the options:
They were close friends during their childhood but when they grown up they choose different ways of living.
Loquat has a debt towards Silas because he saved his life when they were children.
Loquat and Silas are brothers
Other options
so choose your answer ... I'll give you a little help... one of the option is correct ;).
As you can see I've decided to add a poll about Loquat and Silas to make you feel much involved in the story my dear readers. ( the poll will be active for six days )
Even if you're not italian speaker you can vote as well.
The question is :
In which connection are Loquat and Silas ?
Hereby the translation of the options:
They were close friends during their childhood but when they grown up they choose different ways of living.
Loquat has a debt towards Silas because he saved his life when they were children.
Loquat and Silas are brothers
Other options
so choose your answer ... I'll give you a little help... one of the option is correct ;).
Una poll per voi ...
Come avete notato ho deciso di coinvolgervi un pochino miei carissimi lettori con un sondaggio riguardante Loquat e Silas.
Allora il sondaggio resterà attivo per sei giorni poi vedremo cosa avete pensato a riguardo ...
Cmq un piccolo aiuto ... una delle opzioni è vera ;)
Allora il sondaggio resterà attivo per sei giorni poi vedremo cosa avete pensato a riguardo ...
Cmq un piccolo aiuto ... una delle opzioni è vera ;)
Second chapter part one
Summary of the first part of the second chapter of the manga
We meet "en passant" the two girls that help Silas in his evil plans and after we have Loquat that is mumbling about the fact that the powers of Red Sakura and Blue Vineyard didn't work properly. He thinks that the cause may be find in the fact that the two girls must have a train session to improve and learn how to use their powers for the best. Meanwhile Minako ( Red Sakura) said to him that instead everything depended on the unexpensive and ugly anklets he gave them ( oh yeah she told Loquat this thing XD XD XD :D) and obviously he got really angry !!! So he decided to explain the reason why he needed the katana of Silas and why he needed the help of the girls.
As I told before the two swords used by the two guys are the two parts of a unique sword called the sword of the ancestral energy. The two parts can be used separately but they are also really dangerous. In fact they use the aura of the person that's holding them so both can't be used for too long because they could lead the users to death.
Moreover Loquat need to take back the sword of the arcana energy to join it to his sword because he is the selected, the chosen to use the ancestral sword. The others could have a really bad destiny if they do it instead of him .
( Yes I know this is a really shonen part of the manga ... but don't worry ... it's just an invented story ... so all the pieces will take their own place ... sooner or later ;) )
Anyway Blue Vineyard is really worried about the fact that Silas knows their real identity and Loquat simply told her that he knew already ... even before arriving on Earth ... What ??? °___O
Mmmmmm another mistery ... Why Loquat is so misterious about Silas ? And why it seems he knows him so well ? Why Loquat never talks about himself ? He knows everything about the Nature Shoujo but he's always misterious when things involve him...
Well let's see how things go ;)
We meet "en passant" the two girls that help Silas in his evil plans and after we have Loquat that is mumbling about the fact that the powers of Red Sakura and Blue Vineyard didn't work properly. He thinks that the cause may be find in the fact that the two girls must have a train session to improve and learn how to use their powers for the best. Meanwhile Minako ( Red Sakura) said to him that instead everything depended on the unexpensive and ugly anklets he gave them ( oh yeah she told Loquat this thing XD XD XD :D) and obviously he got really angry !!! So he decided to explain the reason why he needed the katana of Silas and why he needed the help of the girls.
As I told before the two swords used by the two guys are the two parts of a unique sword called the sword of the ancestral energy. The two parts can be used separately but they are also really dangerous. In fact they use the aura of the person that's holding them so both can't be used for too long because they could lead the users to death.
Moreover Loquat need to take back the sword of the arcana energy to join it to his sword because he is the selected, the chosen to use the ancestral sword. The others could have a really bad destiny if they do it instead of him .
( Yes I know this is a really shonen part of the manga ... but don't worry ... it's just an invented story ... so all the pieces will take their own place ... sooner or later ;) )
Anyway Blue Vineyard is really worried about the fact that Silas knows their real identity and Loquat simply told her that he knew already ... even before arriving on Earth ... What ??? °___O
Mmmmmm another mistery ... Why Loquat is so misterious about Silas ? And why it seems he knows him so well ? Why Loquat never talks about himself ? He knows everything about the Nature Shoujo but he's always misterious when things involve him...
Well let's see how things go ;)
martedì 24 maggio 2016
lunedì 23 maggio 2016
impressioni dopo il primo capitolo ?? :)
Allora buon inizio di settimana a tutti !
Se dopo aver letto il primo capitolo del mio manga la vostra reazione non è stata questa
( Gif tratta dall'anime La leggenda di Arslan tratta dal manga di Arakawa/ Tanaka)
Molto bene XD!! Allora vuol dire che possiamo continuare con il secondo capitolo in settimana ;).
Se dopo aver letto il primo capitolo del mio manga la vostra reazione non è stata questa
Molto bene XD!! Allora vuol dire che possiamo continuare con il secondo capitolo in settimana ;).
giovedì 19 maggio 2016
Chapter one third part
Summary of the third part of the first chapter.
Here we are!Finally we meet for the first time Silas, the villain of the story, that wants to take the sword of Loquat and moreover he wants to irritate and provocate him . That's the first battle for the first two nature shoujo but something seems it doesn't work properly. And strangely, Silas doesn't fight for long with Loquat but promise he'll be an enemy not easy to defeat for all of them. And the battle has just begun !
Here we are!Finally we meet for the first time Silas, the villain of the story, that wants to take the sword of Loquat and moreover he wants to irritate and provocate him . That's the first battle for the first two nature shoujo but something seems it doesn't work properly. And strangely, Silas doesn't fight for long with Loquat but promise he'll be an enemy not easy to defeat for all of them. And the battle has just begun !
Capitolo uno terza parte
Ed ecco la terza ed ultima parte del primo capitolo del mio manga.
Ripeto ancora Rating: pubblico maturo
Ripeto ancora Rating: pubblico maturo
lunedì 16 maggio 2016
Wallpapers a tema Nature Shoujo
in attesa della terza ed ultima parte del primo capitolo vi posto due miei wallpapers a tema , enjoy ;).
giovedì 12 maggio 2016
First chapter second part of my manga
Summary of the second part of the first chapter:
Minako suddendly realize that's already someone in her bathroom . So really imbarassed and scared she started to shout and, after dressing quickly again, she went out to tell everything to her dear friend Hikari-chan. At the beginning her friend thinks she had had an illusion caused by drinking a little sake at lunch. But quite unexpectedly the person Minako saw, a really good looking guy indeed, shows up and cleared the misunderstanding.
He introduced himself and explained why he is on the Earth. His name is Loquat and comes from the planet Pure Atmosphere 78, he's looking for the stolen katana of the arcana energy and need the help of five brave and nature loving girls to help him to rescue his planet from distruction. In case they'll agree to help him he'll give them an anklet that'll allow the girls to transform into the Nature Shoujo: the nature guardians.
Minako suddendly realize that's already someone in her bathroom . So really imbarassed and scared she started to shout and, after dressing quickly again, she went out to tell everything to her dear friend Hikari-chan. At the beginning her friend thinks she had had an illusion caused by drinking a little sake at lunch. But quite unexpectedly the person Minako saw, a really good looking guy indeed, shows up and cleared the misunderstanding.
He introduced himself and explained why he is on the Earth. His name is Loquat and comes from the planet Pure Atmosphere 78, he's looking for the stolen katana of the arcana energy and need the help of five brave and nature loving girls to help him to rescue his planet from distruction. In case they'll agree to help him he'll give them an anklet that'll allow the girls to transform into the Nature Shoujo: the nature guardians.
martedì 10 maggio 2016
Intermezzo ... artistico Loquat e Silas personaggi maschili nel manga
Ciao a tutti! Si lo so cosa state pensando ... ma quando va avanti con questo manga ? Beh anche per un lavoro amatoriale vi assicuro che ci va tempo ( che per me è sempre un pò tiranno ) ed impegno ... vi chiedo cortesemente di aspettare un pochino ... prometto che cercherò di aggiornare settimanalmente e che a giorni potrete leggere la seconda parte del primo capitolo... ma nell'attesa .... ;)
un mio disegno a colori dei personaggi maschili principali del manga ovvero i due antagonisti Loquat e Silas.
Mmmmm vi domanderete ... perchè la spada fa delle fiamme? ( si già lo so che vi immaginate una cosa alla Natsu di Fairy Tail ... beh ni ). Allora diciamo che la spiegazione più plausibile delle fiammate della katana di Loquat è che essa attingendo all'aura dell'utilizzatore sprigiona energia che legandosi alle particelle di ossigeno presente nell'atmosfera reagisce e si autocombustiona.
un mio disegno a colori dei personaggi maschili principali del manga ovvero i due antagonisti Loquat e Silas.
Mmmmm vi domanderete ... perchè la spada fa delle fiamme? ( si già lo so che vi immaginate una cosa alla Natsu di Fairy Tail ... beh ni ). Allora diciamo che la spiegazione più plausibile delle fiammate della katana di Loquat è che essa attingendo all'aura dell'utilizzatore sprigiona energia che legandosi alle particelle di ossigeno presente nell'atmosfera reagisce e si autocombustiona.
domenica 8 maggio 2016
Summary of the first part of the first chapter
Summary of the first part of the first chapter of the manga: ( for the non italian speaking)
" Minako is fishing in a small river collecting prawn into a bucket, when something attracts her attention. It's a strange pet that actually scares her and instintively she throw the bucket she's holding towards it :D.
But when she realized that's a just a small owlet she approaches to see if it's ok. Then she notice that she had lost every single prawn !! Really angry she looks back but the owlet has disappeared. Than she come back home really tired so she planned to have a bath ... but something unespected happened..."
" Minako is fishing in a small river collecting prawn into a bucket, when something attracts her attention. It's a strange pet that actually scares her and instintively she throw the bucket she's holding towards it :D.
But when she realized that's a just a small owlet she approaches to see if it's ok. Then she notice that she had lost every single prawn !! Really angry she looks back but the owlet has disappeared. Than she come back home really tired so she planned to have a bath ... but something unespected happened..."
Prima parte del capitolo uno e precisazioni
Bene allora incominciamo... ma prima vorrei precisare che non è mia abitudine esagerare con il fanservice ma comunque il rating per il mio manga rimane per un pubbilco maturo ... detto questo spero possa piacervi ed appassionarvi.
Let's start ! :)
Let's start ! :)
sabato 7 maggio 2016
Descrizione dei primi due personaggi del mio manga
Allora i primi due personaggi sono Minako Tsuji una ragazza dolce e passionale che diventerà la Nature Shoujo vestita di rosso e che trarrà il proprio potere dai ciliegi in fiore e Loquat ( che letteralmente significa nespola giapponese :) ) che proviene da un altro pianeta ( Pure Atmosphere 78) e più precisamente dal regno di Alder. Loquat ha la caratteristica di potersi trasformare da ragazzo in una civetta . Siccome non da tutte le parti è un volatile ben augurante ho deciso di aggiungergli un bel collarino con un cornetto anti sfortuna ( non si sa mai :D ).
Inoltre è stato prescelto per custodire una spada molto preziosa e particolare la spada dell'energia ancestrale. La spada però è costituita da due katane collegate assieme che se unite hanno un potere immenso . Loquat si trova sulla terra per recuperare una delle due spade: quella dell'energia arcana che è stata trafugata dal suo pianeta.
venerdì 6 maggio 2016
I primi quattro personaggi del mio manga
Questi sono i primi quattro personaggi che andrete a conoscere : Red Sakura ( Minako Tsuji), Loquat, Blue Vineyard( Hikari Hatta) e Silas.
Hikari è amica d'infanzia di Minako mentre Silas è il "villain" di turno è lui che ha trafugato una delle due katane che costituiscono la spada dell'energia ancestrale. Come Loquat ha facoltà di tramutarsi in un'altra forma e più precisamente in un gheppio americano ( dal dorso più rossiccio rispetto a quello europeo).
Hikari è amica d'infanzia di Minako mentre Silas è il "villain" di turno è lui che ha trafugato una delle due katane che costituiscono la spada dell'energia ancestrale. Come Loquat ha facoltà di tramutarsi in un'altra forma e più precisamente in un gheppio americano ( dal dorso più rossiccio rispetto a quello europeo).
giovedì 5 maggio 2016
Introduzione al blog

Ciao a tutti, dopo averci pensato un pò ho deciso finalmente di aprire il mio blog personale con tutti i personaggi nati dalla mia fantasia.
Sono da sempre un'appassionata di anime e manga e in questo blog narrerò le vicende delle Nature Shoujo ovvero le paladine della natura. Si lo so penserete ... l'ennesima scopiazzatura delle Sailor Moon ... ma un attimo ... la storia che andrò a narrarvi sarà sì uno shoujo ma molto tendente allo shounen, perciò mettetevi comodi e rilassati perchè ci sarà sì romanticismo ma anche risate e avventura. ;)
English translation
Hi everyone after thinking a lot about it I've decided to open my own blog with all the characters born from my mind. I'll always like anime and manga and in this blog I'll describe the adventures of the Nature Shoujo the guardians of the nature . Maybe you'll think that I'll took too much inspiration from the pretty guardians sailor moon but wait it's a shoujo tending to a shounen so you'll find romance but also laugh and adventures . Please relax yourself and enjoy ;). Yeah that's a blog of a non professional web comic :). And now the first charcters you'll find.
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Springtime Artwork :)
Konnichiwa :) spring has finally arrived and I created this artwork that is taken from a sketch I made few weeks ago I hope you like it . :)...

Hi guys as I told you I had the intention of the riedit of Nature Shoujo a new comic from the beginning with new pages and a new character d...
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