Ciao a tutti, volevo solo dirvi che sono alle prese con le tavole del manga... almeno una bozza della prima parte c'è ... mi manca tutta una tavola da fare e poi da aggiustare e completare il tutto. Cercherò di finirlo e postarlo quanto prima, vi chiedo solo cortesemente di pazientare un pochino ok? Grazie :)
Hi everybody I wanted to tell you that I'm currently working on the third chapter... I need to finish a part and then I have to adjust everything ...that means that I should work on it a few more. I'll try to post the first part as soon as I could... promise :).
Nature Shoujo disegni e web comic originali in stile manga / Nature Shoujo original drawings and web comic realized in manga style
giovedì 28 luglio 2016
domenica 24 luglio 2016
Artwork ... Loquat
Sì, come avrete capito mi piace molto disegnare questo personaggio( anche perchè mi sono accorta che anche a molti che leggono il mio blog piace questo bel ragazzo dai capelli chiari), lui e Minako in particolare, ma a dire il vero sono attaccata a tutti i miei personaggi che cerco di caratterizzare in modo diverso ma sempre in modo che si completino gli uni e gli altri.
C'è un pochino di fanservice ma spero che non vi dispiaccia anche perchè cerco sempre di mantenermi nella maggiore decenza possibile ;) :).
As you can see I really like drawing this charcter( also because I noticed that many readers like this beautiful guy with fair hair) in particular and Minako aswell, but to be honest I' m linked to each of my characters.
There's a little of fanservice and I hope you won't mind also because I always try not to exaggerate. :) ;).
ne ho realizzati tre tipi diversi partendo dallo stesso.
C'è un pochino di fanservice ma spero che non vi dispiaccia anche perchè cerco sempre di mantenermi nella maggiore decenza possibile ;) :).
As you can see I really like drawing this charcter( also because I noticed that many readers like this beautiful guy with fair hair) in particular and Minako aswell, but to be honest I' m linked to each of my characters.
There's a little of fanservice and I hope you won't mind also because I always try not to exaggerate. :) ;).
ne ho realizzati tre tipi diversi partendo dallo stesso.
Nuovo post
Ciao a tutti, spero che non vi siate sentiti trascurati miei carissimi lettori, ma ho avuto una settimana molto intensa e non sono riuscita ad andare avanti con il manga. Avevo preparato un artwork, ma facendo dell'autocritica, non mi piaceva così ne ho fatto un' altro totalmente diverso che spero possa piacervi :).
Hi everybody, I'm sorry I couldn't post during these days, but I had a very busy week so I couldn't go on with the manga. Anyway I made an artwork butIwasn't too convinced so I decided to make another new one that I really hope you'll like it :).
Hi everybody, I'm sorry I couldn't post during these days, but I had a very busy week so I couldn't go on with the manga. Anyway I made an artwork butIwasn't too convinced so I decided to make another new one that I really hope you'll like it :).
lunedì 18 luglio 2016
Artwork ... Akira
Questo è un disegno dedicato alla"bad girl" delle Nature Shoujo ovvero Akira.
La chitarra è volutamente disegnata con aspetto vissuto.
spero vi piaccia :).
This is an artwork dedicated to Akira the "bad girl" in the Nature Shoujo group.
The guitar has a " lived" aspect... but is what I wanted. So I really hope you 'll like it. :)
La chitarra è volutamente disegnata con aspetto vissuto.
spero vi piaccia :).
This is an artwork dedicated to Akira the "bad girl" in the Nature Shoujo group.
The guitar has a " lived" aspect... but is what I wanted. So I really hope you 'll like it. :)
sabato 16 luglio 2016
Blog tools ...aggiornamento
Una comunicazione per tutti : mi è stato fatto presente che qualcuno voleva commentare nell'apposito spazio ma che seppur avendo l'account con google non riusciva.
Adesso in teoria dovreste riuscire a commentare i vari post. Provateci non costa nulla .
An information to everyone: I was told that someone was trying to post a comment but couldn't do that... I checked the site and now if you want to add few words to the post you can ( but I dunno if it is required a google account to do so... sorry) anyway just try if you want.
Adesso in teoria dovreste riuscire a commentare i vari post. Provateci non costa nulla .
An information to everyone: I was told that someone was trying to post a comment but couldn't do that... I checked the site and now if you want to add few words to the post you can ( but I dunno if it is required a google account to do so... sorry) anyway just try if you want.
giovedì 14 luglio 2016
End of chapter two... fine del secondo capitolo ... finalmente !
Rating : pubblico maturo
Inoltre ribadisco che i nomi utilizzati sopratutto quelli giapponesi derivano dalla mia fantasia.
I say again that the names, above all the japanese ones, are pure fantasy.
First page:
Loquat told Minako who's the last girl they're looking for... her name 's Norika and is a beautiful idol that took a year far from stages to study. Minako firstly is really happy because she's a great fan of her, but then she's also curious how she could be in the same high school but noone has noticed her. Loquat said that the girl is there under a false name, but he knows the name and also which is the class she's attended.( She's the same age as Yoshi). Loquat is looking forward to see her so he could finally go on his own mission.
Second page:
Loquat draw Norika's attention referring to her with both the names she chose. Interested by him she wondered if he was an idol too because he's so beautiful and after a while she hitted on him and this thing made Minako very jealous!.
Very imbarassed Loquat tryied to change the subject .
Third page:
Finally Loquat could explain why he needed her help and she accept to become a Nature Shoujo. Then he told the girls that the following day they'll reach a misterious and far place for a training session all together.
Inoltre ribadisco che i nomi utilizzati sopratutto quelli giapponesi derivano dalla mia fantasia.
I say again that the names, above all the japanese ones, are pure fantasy.
First page:
Loquat told Minako who's the last girl they're looking for... her name 's Norika and is a beautiful idol that took a year far from stages to study. Minako firstly is really happy because she's a great fan of her, but then she's also curious how she could be in the same high school but noone has noticed her. Loquat said that the girl is there under a false name, but he knows the name and also which is the class she's attended.( She's the same age as Yoshi). Loquat is looking forward to see her so he could finally go on his own mission.
Second page:
Loquat draw Norika's attention referring to her with both the names she chose. Interested by him she wondered if he was an idol too because he's so beautiful and after a while she hitted on him and this thing made Minako very jealous!.
Very imbarassed Loquat tryied to change the subject .
Third page:
Finally Loquat could explain why he needed her help and she accept to become a Nature Shoujo. Then he told the girls that the following day they'll reach a misterious and far place for a training session all together.
lunedì 11 luglio 2016
Thank you... and a little anticipation
Grazie miei carissimi lettori per seguirmi con costanza anche in questa hot hot summer. Thank you so much, arigatou !
Allora per premiare la vostra fedeltà ho deciso di farvi una piccola anticipazione sul terzo capitolo .
Si intitolerà "Training Session" ed inoltre verrà finalmente rivelato qualcosa in più sul legame che intercorre tra Loquat e Silas. In più si scoprirà qualcosa di più sulla vita di Loquat tramite questa foto sgualcita che il ragazzo porta sempre con sè.
Ps: abbiate pazienza per la fine del secondo capitolo ... in pratica ho una bozza di riassunto a parte ma non lo seguo tantissimo perciò i dialoghi li improvviso sul momento ... cmq ci siamo quasi .
Allora per premiare la vostra fedeltà ho deciso di farvi una piccola anticipazione sul terzo capitolo .
Si intitolerà "Training Session" ed inoltre verrà finalmente rivelato qualcosa in più sul legame che intercorre tra Loquat e Silas. In più si scoprirà qualcosa di più sulla vita di Loquat tramite questa foto sgualcita che il ragazzo porta sempre con sè.
Ps: abbiate pazienza per la fine del secondo capitolo ... in pratica ho una bozza di riassunto a parte ma non lo seguo tantissimo perciò i dialoghi li improvviso sul momento ... cmq ci siamo quasi .
venerdì 8 luglio 2016
Artwork : Loquat and Minako romantic run in the sunset.
Volevo creare qualcosa a tema per quest'estate e mi è venuto in mente di fare qualcosa di diverso dai soliti personaggi con sfondo il mare e la spiaggia ( per quanto mi piacciano moltissimo sia ben inteso).Così ho provato ad immaginare Loquat che corre su per una collina tenendo romanticamente per mano Minako. Spero vi piaccia :)
I just wanted to create something in summer theme... these are Loquat and Minako running up to a hill in the sunset... I really really hope you like it. :)
2 versions of the same wallpaper ;). Enjoy . :)
I just wanted to create something in summer theme... these are Loquat and Minako running up to a hill in the sunset... I really really hope you like it. :)
2 versions of the same wallpaper ;). Enjoy . :)
lunedì 4 luglio 2016
A little bit of fanservice ( but not too exaggerated)
Ho deciso di creare qualche fanservice ( ma sempre nel limite della decenza ok? ;) )
Spero davvero vi piacciano.
Sono due versioni fanservice dedicate al bel Silas. enjoy ;).
Spero davvero vi piacciano.
Sono due versioni fanservice dedicate al bel Silas. enjoy ;).
Final part chapter 2 (two pag) + Translation of the dialogs.
Ciao a tutti,
per non lasciarvi troppo tempo senza nulla di nuovo ho deciso di postarvi almeno una parte della fine del capitolo 2 ( è la parte dedicata alla Nature Shoujo ricciolina e vestita di verde ovvero Yoshi Akimoto per intenderci) sono solo due pagine mi spiace ma le altre le posto il prima possibile... promesso ;)
Come potete vedere ho aggiunto un pochino di retinatura ma senza snaturarlo cercando sempre di lasciarlo il più handmade possibile.
Ricordo sempre rating : pubblico maturo
Translation of the dialogs for the non italian speakers:
First page :
Loquat removes the string from the tree and while he's making again his pigtail said( talking about himself and Minako):
" It's even ridiculous the thought that between us can exists a romantic involvement"
and Minako agrees ( even if they both get red).
Akira changes the subject asking who is the next girl they're looking for.
Loquat answers that they're looking for a girl called Yoshi Akimoto ( a girl from the second year of high school) that's currently searching new members for her sculpture club and she's showing her artworks in the back of the school gym.
Second page:
Yoshi gives her welcome to the girls and to Loquat and started to show her works.
Yoshi:"Here you can see my own works:
from the left : " Silver Unicorn" " Powerful Dragon" "Temple of the armony".
( and here the gag because, apart from the beautiful names of the works she gave;... they're all a mixture of cans and garbage all the same.... but anyway she's convinced she made masterpieces XD).
and then she said :" I know you could find difficult to learn sculpture but if you try hard you could be able one day to make works as mine".
Here in the central part of the page you could find a speachless Loquat Minako and Hikari that said "Ehm actually they're all the same" and a more direct Akira that said( without caring too much) :
" Omg she's outside like a balcony!"
Explanation of italian slang:
We usually say of someone that's outiside like a balcony ( or sometimes like a ringbell) when we want to express the feeling that the person we're talking about is a bit crazy, going banana, nut ( choose the one you think suits best).
Last part of the page Loquat, actually is not really convinced to do the right thing, but ask her to join them to help him to recover a sword and to protect nature .
Yoshi:" And you're even asking me? Of course I'll help you, guy with the doggy collar! I won't allow nobody to threaten nature."
Loquat :" Guy with the doggy collar???? Oh my ... I should be really patient during this collaboration".
I'm just sorry that I could post only two pages(sorry) but the others are on their way.:)
per non lasciarvi troppo tempo senza nulla di nuovo ho deciso di postarvi almeno una parte della fine del capitolo 2 ( è la parte dedicata alla Nature Shoujo ricciolina e vestita di verde ovvero Yoshi Akimoto per intenderci) sono solo due pagine mi spiace ma le altre le posto il prima possibile... promesso ;)
Come potete vedere ho aggiunto un pochino di retinatura ma senza snaturarlo cercando sempre di lasciarlo il più handmade possibile.
Ricordo sempre rating : pubblico maturo
Translation of the dialogs for the non italian speakers:
First page :
Loquat removes the string from the tree and while he's making again his pigtail said( talking about himself and Minako):
" It's even ridiculous the thought that between us can exists a romantic involvement"
and Minako agrees ( even if they both get red).
Akira changes the subject asking who is the next girl they're looking for.
Loquat answers that they're looking for a girl called Yoshi Akimoto ( a girl from the second year of high school) that's currently searching new members for her sculpture club and she's showing her artworks in the back of the school gym.
Second page:
Yoshi gives her welcome to the girls and to Loquat and started to show her works.
Yoshi:"Here you can see my own works:
from the left : " Silver Unicorn" " Powerful Dragon" "Temple of the armony".
( and here the gag because, apart from the beautiful names of the works she gave;... they're all a mixture of cans and garbage all the same.... but anyway she's convinced she made masterpieces XD).
and then she said :" I know you could find difficult to learn sculpture but if you try hard you could be able one day to make works as mine".
Here in the central part of the page you could find a speachless Loquat Minako and Hikari that said "Ehm actually they're all the same" and a more direct Akira that said( without caring too much) :
" Omg she's outside like a balcony!"
Explanation of italian slang:
We usually say of someone that's outiside like a balcony ( or sometimes like a ringbell) when we want to express the feeling that the person we're talking about is a bit crazy, going banana, nut ( choose the one you think suits best).
Last part of the page Loquat, actually is not really convinced to do the right thing, but ask her to join them to help him to recover a sword and to protect nature .
Yoshi:" And you're even asking me? Of course I'll help you, guy with the doggy collar! I won't allow nobody to threaten nature."
Loquat :" Guy with the doggy collar???? Oh my ... I should be really patient during this collaboration".
I'm just sorry that I could post only two pages(sorry) but the others are on their way.:)
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Springtime Artwork :)
Konnichiwa :) spring has finally arrived and I created this artwork that is taken from a sketch I made few weeks ago I hope you like it . :)...

Hi guys as I told you I had the intention of the riedit of Nature Shoujo a new comic from the beginning with new pages and a new character d...
Sorry for my absence but I've got a very messy period of my life. Anyway this is a sketch I hope I could finish soon. Please enjoy my t...
Hi guys sorry if you didn't hear me for a while but at the moment I'm working on a collaboration for a shonen fantasy. If you like...