martedì 15 novembre 2016

Chapter three part five translation of the dialogs

Page 13

Loquat: " You're skillful Akira but ... not enough"

Page 14

Loquat: " Poor dreamers, you won't be able to defeat me"

Yoshi:" So we can recap as follow; our battle names are: Blue Vineyard, Pink Pepper, Orange Alchechengi, mine is Green Kiwi Perfume but I  prefer the nick GKP and last  Red Sakura and...
if I understood well Loquat- kun is in love with Tsuji senpai, right? "

What a beautiful thing the blossoming of the  feelings between two young lovers... I envy  the senpai ... and tell me plz Loquat what did she answered you when you declared to her all your love? "

Loquat : " Eeeehhh???? " ( It means What????? )
 This is not true .. you're  going too far ! Stop saying those crap !"

Yoshi : " why you're so angry  Loquat-kun?  You shouldn't be ashamed of your feelings! Being in love is so nice!"
" When you'll decide to marry her I will be the maid of honour !"
Loquat: ( Absolutely  angry ) " Stop this !!!"

Page 15

Hikari : " Sparkling rays of vine !!!"

" Thanks Yoshi ... that's enough for now."

Yoshi: " Don't mention it Hatta senpai, it has been my pleasure being helpful"

Loquat: "Ah that's it? You  cheated me! You played dirty !
As I told you before  you won't be able to defeat me but I appreciated  the commitment you put in the fight . You didn't  rely only on power and agility but you used also the  brain. But it's a shame that won't be enough ."

Hikari: " Well I 'm sorry for you Loquat but to be honest I have you in my own hand."

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Springtime Artwork :)

Konnichiwa :) spring has finally arrived and I created this artwork that is taken from a sketch I made few weeks ago I hope you like it . :)...